is a Saying from well known Tamil literature Thirukural that
Vendavam Yakkaiku Arunthiyathu
Attradhu potri unin”.
மருந்தென வேண்டாவாம் யாக்கைக்கு அருந்தியது
அற்றது போற்றி உணின்
means human body does not require any medicine or drug if we intake any meal
after digesting the previous meal that was already taken.
vitamin tablets that are perceived to be the elixir that give strength and stamina
to the body are having flip side too. Now a days if any toddler is very lean
than the normal kids of equal age, their parents are taking him/her to a child
specialist doctor and asking (forcing) him to prescribe vitamin tablets to
increase the strength and stamina of the kid. Vitamin tablets have become a
routine for the persons above 50 years in order to gain sufficient and
necessary energy to do their day to day activities. Even persons who are
healthy and normal are also taking vitamin tablets to increase their strength.
Thus from literate to illiterate; from children to aged people all are taking
the vitamin tablets like a regular meal. But only very few of them know the
flip side of the vitamin tablets.
who are taking the vitamin tablets on a daily basis did not know whether the
human body is accepting them or not. One
should know the fact that tongue is not only an organ for taste but also does
other important functions. There are 9000 taste buds that are present in surface of the tongue; these taste
buds are connected to the brain through nerves. This nervous system will identify the tastes
like bitter, sour, sweet and salt and take the impulses to brain and brain in
turn will send signals to secrete saliva/enzymes that are required to digest
the food. Thus half of the digestion process is taking place in mouth itself.
The food items that are going inside our body without touching the tongue or
without mixing with saliva properly will be considered as an alien by the human
Vitamin tablets are taken in mouth and
swallowed directly by drinking water. Tablets are not even touching the tongue.
This tablet is passing through important organs like stomach, spleen, liver,
small intestine and finally reaches kidney. Since vitamin tablets are entering
the body without mixing with saliva, the organs will start considering the
tablets as an alien and will reject it or in other words a negligible amount of
vitamin alone will be absorbed by the organs.
The entire human body
requires only 2 to 3 mg of vitamin per day to survive. That too the body
accepts the vitamins that are taken in natural organic form. Our human body is
a child of Mother Nature the cells of our body has an inherited genetic memory
from our ancestors who were using natural food items as vitamin source for
millions of years any substances that are produced naturally will be accepted
easily by the body. But the chemicals that are present in the tablets are like
alien and the cells have no idea about the chemically synthesized substances so
called drugs. The human body will take maximum efforts to throw away the
chemical alien first. After travelling through different organs the chemicals
present in the tablet finally reaches kidney. The main function of kidney is to
segregate impurities in blood, according to the organ kidney, the excess
Vitamin in the chemical form is an impurity. Hence the excess vitamin is excreted
in the form of urine. Therefore the colour of urine is different after having
the vitamin tablets.
One can question if we
taste vitamin tablet like normal food chew properly and eat will the body
accept it? The answer is a big no. Our body is preprogrammed to organic and
natural food items alone. The vitamins that are synthesized by several
inorganic forms are not accepted by the body. The main organ that works for
segregating and extracting the impurities of blood is kidney. If any person is
taking vitamin tablets for long period of time, the kidney will be overloaded
and will lose its potential. Thus prolonged abuse of the kidney for several
years will lead to renal failure.
Three day test
Let us reinforce the above statement/s through
an experimental test. Consider two healthy persons of same age. Let us lock
them in two separate rooms by giving vitamin tablets alone for one person and
orange fruits to the other person. If we open the room on the fourth day the
person who ate orange fruits for his survival will be healthier when compared
to the person who ate vitamin tablets alone. In fact the person who ate vitamin
tablets will require some help to stand properly.
Healthy Diet
As mentioned
already the human body will accept the vitamins that are naturally present in
food items like milk, eggs, cereals, citrus fruits, guava, pepper, tomato,
spinach, fish, vegetable oil, whole grains etc. The only thing that we have to
do is chew the food items properly, mix the food particles with saliva and then
swallow them. In this process our body will absorb all the essential items that
are present in the natural food. If we are forcing the body to accept the vitamins
that are present in tablets as chemical (inorganic) form, the organs of the body
will function abnormally. Healthy life style and balanced diet are necessary
and sufficient for leading tablet free life.
Nataraj – Doctor of Medicine (Acupuncture)