Friday, 28 September 2018

Five commonsense questions that will help you keep away from risk of Heart Attack


“நோய்நாடி நோய்முதல் நாடி அதுதணிக்கும்
வாய்நாடி வாய்ப்பச் செயல்”

நோயை இன்னது என்று அறிந்து அந்த நோய் வருவதற்கான மூல காரணத்தையும் அதைத் தீர்க்கும் வழியையும் அறிந்து அதைப் போக்குவதில் தவறு வந்துவிடாமல் செயல்பட வேண்டும்.
Identify the Disease, investigate the root cause, recognize what might abate the illness and heal the illness.
Blockage of excess cholesterol in blood vessels of heart is commonly known as heart attack. Now-a-days the heart attack is treated with the help of angioplasty or a bypass surgery in which the blockages in blood vessels are removed with the help of external agents.
But one should be in a position to critically examine, think and raise the question/s about what are the root causes for heart disease.
To analyze the root cause of the problem it is essential to ask the five-Why’s as we teach our students.
Possible Reason/s
 1st Why
Why is there a blockage in my heart?
Excess undigested cholesterol is being circulated in the blood stream
 2nd Why
Why the excess cholesterol is circulated in my blood stream?
Improper digestion of cholesterol
 3rd Why
Why there is improper digestion of cholesterol?
Bile - An enzyme required to digest Cholesterol not secreted properly
 4th Why
Why the Bile enzyme is not secreted properly?
Improper functioning of LIVER/ Gall Bladder
 5th Why
Why my liver/ gall bladder is not functioning properly?
Improper Life Style.

The root cause of the problem is not having a healthy life style which leads to improper digestion of fat/cholesterol. In other words, the cholesterol that is not digested properly is being circulated in the blood stream and it causes blockages in the blood vessels of the heart leading to an attack.
For digesting the fat, liver has to secrete an enzyme called Bile. The secreted bile has to be stored in the Gall Bladder and proper digestion of fat should happen in the small intestine with the help of bile. Therefore to have permanent cure for heart problems, liver, gall bladder and small intestine should function properly.
Without understanding the root causes (improper digestion of cholesterol) just by taking care of the symptoms (remove blockages in blood vessels near the heart) alone one cannot cure the heart disease permanently. During emergency situation and for a quick fixing the problem, removing the blockage may help. But if a person wants to have a permanent cure, it may not help.

Removing blockages of heart through modern technique is a reductionist phenomenon. But the heart and blood vessels functions in a holistic phenomenon (interconnected with other organs of the body). If we apply reductionist phenomenon to cure a holistic disease it can temporarily quick fix the problem but will not have a permanent cure.

To have a healthy liver/ gall bladder, one should practice healthy life style. As per the laws of acupuncture, liver and gall bladder has its peak time during the night between 11.00 PM and 3.00 AM. For proper functioning of liver and gall bladder a person has to be in deep sleep during this time. If a person has to be in deep sleep between 11.00 PM to 3.00 AM, he/she should have gone to bed at least two hours before. In other words one should have gone to bed by 9.00 PM so that he/she can reach deep sleep by 11.00 PM.  More over there is a high degree of correlation between emotions and the organs of the body. For example anger, frustration and jealousy weakens the liver and stress, impatience and hate weakens the heart. Therefore if a person knows how to balance his emotions and also practices healthy life style, he/she can stay away from risk of heart disease till his life time.

In a lighter note when you get a chance to meet any cardiologist in the future, you are now well equipped to annoy him with the five commonsense questions. .. J J
-         Nataraj M.D (Acu)